Atomic Car

     Posted By: Paul - Tue Aug 27, 2024
     Category: Atomic Power and Other Nuclear Matters | 1960s | Europe | Cars

This doesn’t make a lot of sense.
He seems to be talking about a Radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG):

Most of these use Pu238 (higher radioactivity than the weapons-grade Pu239). But he mentions beta radiation so it’s probably a Beta-M generator:

He never mentions exactly how he will get electricity from this. The method the US uses is lots and lots of thermocouples and employs the Seebeck effect. Very inefficient, but reliable. The US has looked into a heat engine (Stirling Engine) but these aren’t commonly deployed.

The main problems are cost, limited power generation, and safety. The amount of radioactive isotope production is just not there to support a commercial enterprise. NASA has made RTGs work where there is no other reasonable alternative, but there is a huge price tag, and they just don’t provide that much power. Safety is a whole different concern with deadly levels of highly radioactive material encased in very heavy shielding that can be compromised.
Posted by crc on 08/27/24 at 08:09 AM

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