Bulgarian Beyonce

Bulgarian artist Gery Georgieva does Beyonce's "Single Ladies" dance routine while on a mountain in the Bulgarian Rhodopes Mountain Range.

There's no music playing. Just the wind blowing. But she does the routine pretty flawlessly, while dressed in traditional Bulgarian costume.

via Broadly
     Posted By: Alex - Mon Oct 19, 2015

Music would have helped.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/19/15 at 10:16 AM
She does appear to be a Bulgarian equivalent of Bey. Or at least a wannabee.

Agree with @Expat though, music would have helped.
Posted by GFnKS on 10/19/15 at 11:36 AM
What's a Beyonce?
Posted by KDP on 10/19/15 at 02:34 PM
I think she has a perfume line KDP.
That girl is a great dancer. I have heard people sing acapella but I have never seen anyone dance acapella.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/19/15 at 05:45 PM
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