Bulletproof Clipboards

Ballistic Systems Co. sells bulletproof clipboards, starting at $40. They boast that they've sold "over 170,000 clipboards to law enforcement officers nationwide."

While I'm sure the clipboards really are bulletproof, I'm skeptical about whether they'd be much help in preventing someone from getting shot. Wouldn't the force of a bullet simply knock the clipboard out of their hands?

Contrast this with the Clipboard Gun we've previously posted about.

via Book of Joe

     Posted By: Alex - Wed May 29, 2024
     Category: Police and Other Law Enforcement | Weapons

It riles me a bit that advertisers have, over the years, changed the definition of "bulletproof" from 'impenetrable' by bullets to 'resists' bullets. The fact that these clipboards come in several levels of protection shows they're not impervious to bullets (and I personally guarantee that a 12mm Magnum with armor-piercing bullets is going to go punch a hole through one of these with ease).

As for a bullet knocking it our of your hands: it's a question of math. Take a bullet weighing between seven and ten grams moving at eleven-hundred to thirteen-hundred feet per second, slam it into a static clipboard weighing half a pound, and you wind up with a clipboard with a bullet wedged in its back moving at walking speed. I can easily see the initial shock dislocating your thumbs if you're holding it wrong (you need fingertips on the back, the heels of your hands on the front) and you'll probably drop it, but stopping even that first bullet is a great advantage.
Posted by Phideaux on 05/29/24 at 02:30 PM
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