Coffin Bride

This news story caught my eye since I posted recently about a cemetery that's also in the wedding business. When Jenny Buckleff and Christopher Lockett recently wed in Wales, Jenny showed up for the wedding lying in a black coffin painted with a grim reaper. She said she "wanted to do something a little bit different." And Chris, for his part, was willing to "go with the flow."

When not using the coffin as a wedding prop, the couple hitch it to their car and use it as a trailer to pull camping gear. [Irish Mirror]
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Jun 02, 2015
     Category: Death | Weddings and Marriage

You know, Wales is real close to Ireland and we know about the Irish.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/02/15 at 12:05 PM
Well besides a trailer they could use it as a trunk or upright bookcase, perhaps a fold open spare bed. If kept long enough she could use it for the final event.

A distant relative had a grand piano minus the insides. They used it as a guest bed complete with key board and fold down top. He cut foam to serve as a mattress. You needed to use the piano seat to get into it. My girlfriend and I made music in it while visiting.
Posted by GatorGuy on 06/02/15 at 07:09 PM
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