Crazy Machine


This image is found on the photo archives of Life magazine under the title above. I cannot discover any accompanying article to explain what this device is. Your best guess?
     Posted By: Paul - Sun Sep 18, 2011
     Category: Inventions | Mad Scientists, Evil Geniuses, Insane Villains

My first thought was an entry in a Rube Goldberg contest. As it turns out I wasn't too far off. Here are a couple of links to pages with a little (but not much) more information.


Posted by yogi in Kennesaw GA on 09/18/11 at 02:31 PM
Fine sleuthing, yogi! Thanks!
Posted by Paul on 09/18/11 at 05:08 PM
That was my first thought too Yogi. Great minds think alike eh?
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 09/19/11 at 12:36 AM
Hooked up to a V8 the way it was I though that maybe it was an early attempt by GreenPeas to demonstrate the uselessness of fossil fuels. But I was wrong. :down:
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/19/11 at 01:14 AM
You're making an assumption that a machine has to be something, or that it's made for a purpose...
Posted by jswolf19 in Japan on 09/19/11 at 07:58 AM
Engineering competition and entertainment are purposes. Just not the usual purposes for a mechanical device. 😛
Posted by yogi in Kennesaw GA on 09/19/11 at 08:27 AM
Vern--never knew of Ganson's stuff! Brilliant artist! Many thanks!
Posted by Paul on 09/19/11 at 11:21 AM
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