Double-standard DWI-rules game

Emil Richard Rossi was granted a patent (No. 6,412,777) in 2002 for his "Double-standard DWI-rules" board game.

One purpose of the game was to teach players about drunk-driving laws and the financial consequences of drunk driving. Its second purpose was to demonstrate the "double-standard" of drunk-driving enforcement. Or, as he put it, the "Special treatment for drunk-driving offenders according to their Social Status."

Sounds like Rossi had a bone to pick with the way drunk-driving laws are enforced.

No surprise, his game was never produced by a commercial board game manufacturer, but according to he did self-publish the game. So perhaps a copy of it might be available in a second-hand store somewhere.

From his patent description:

The present invention relates to games and game playing. More particularly, the present invention relates to a game based on drunk-driving rules and other rules of the road, the financial consequences of drunk driving, and the different ways of applying drunk-driving rules and other rules of the road according Social Status.

The object of the game disclosed herein, is to provide amusement for the players while they acquaint themselves with the financial liability incurred by being arrested for driving drunk. It is also is an object of the game is to provide amusement for the players while they acquaint themselves with the behind the Scene manipulations resulting in Special treatment for drunk-driving offenders according to their Social Status.

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Aug 14, 2024
     Category: Games | Inebriation and Intoxicants | Police and Other Law Enforcement | Patents | 2000s | Cars

While I am sympathetic with the messages of the game - both "don't drive drunk" and "if you are rich, you can afford to commit crime, and that ain't fair" - I do think they should have run their material by a proof reader before publishing it.

(Yes. Yes, I am indeed a pedant.)
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/17/24 at 03:39 PM

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