Bowel evisceration after sneezing

We've previously drawn attention to some of the dangers of coughing and sneezing. Such as the cases of people who sneezed so hard that their eye fell out. Or the woman who coughed out her lung.

Now the American Journal of Medical Case Reports has published a case of "bowel evisceration after sneezing." A man sneezed violently while dining at a restaurant and then realized that his intestines had come out of a surgical incision in his stomach. He thought the incision was fully healed. From the journal:

On the morning of the event, he returned to Urology clinic, where his wound appeared well-healed and the overlying staples were removed. He and his wife went to breakfast to celebrate.
During breakfast, the man sneezed forcefully, followed by coughing. He immediately noticed a “wet” sensation and pain in his lower abdomen. Looking down, he observed several loops of pink bowel protruding from his recent surgical site. He later related that he was unsure of how to proceed, so he covered the exposed intestines with his shirt. He initially decided to drive himself to the hospital, but concerned that changing his position might injure his bowel, his wife requested an ambulance.

To be fair, sometimes sneezing can cause miraculous recoveries, such as the case of the woman whose deafness was cured by a sneeze.
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jun 30, 2024
     Category: Health | Surgery


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