International Fluffy Bunny Slipper Day

Today, October 26th, has been set aside to celebrate that rarest of creatures the Fluffy Bunny Slipper.

While the origins of this creature are lost in the annals of time we have learned that one of them (possibly the last one) has surfaced somewhere in the United States and is in, almost, daily contact with us here at WU central. While we're not sure, we suspect that this FBS is female and, if so, we can only hope that she will be fertile and procreate thereby pushing the species back a step farther from extension.

Some have wondered about the name, Fluffy Bunny Slipper, as it implies that we're speaking about a shoe but, please understand that this could not be farther from the truth. FBS is a direct and literal translation of a translation from a language so old as to predate that found on cuneiform filled clay tablets. It is difficult to put the creature's name into modern speech so, maybe, it is best to use our FBS's own words to describe her place and reason for being in the universe we share. Here, below, are her words:

Actually the Fluffy Bunny Slipper Fairy inserts lint into shoes and slippers throughout the world, It's a yearlong family operation, we collect the lint from our bellies and carefully insert them into the shoes slippers and other footwear. we are not responsible for other places. Those are the domains of creatures such as the junk jockey and the sock mime. Our family has a high death toll due to being stomped on, hence us being rabbits to replenish our numbers quickly in case of catastrophic athlete's foot outbreak. However October 26th is Fluffy Slipper Lint Day, so if you were to celebrate a special day that is the day you should celebrate us.

So, please join us WUvians in wishing our FBS all happiness and well being on this, "her" special day.
     Posted By: Expat47 - Thu Oct 25, 2012

Huzzah! Have a great day, FBS!
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 10/26/12 at 09:39 AM
I have a pair of Fuzzy Ernie Slippers. I can set you up with a date. 😊
Posted by KDP on 10/26/12 at 10:02 AM
All the best to you and yours on this your special day,FBS RULES!! :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 10/26/12 at 10:50 AM
Happy Fuzzy Bunny Slipper Lint Day FBS! 💋 Live long and prosper!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/26/12 at 09:59 PM
Fluffy Slipper Lint Day
Every day is special, but not all you’d recognize
The Fluffy Slipper Lint Day just took me by surprise
It occurs in late October, the 26th is set aside
When people all over the world celebrate fairies that have died
You don’t know about this fairy, the Fluffy Bunny Slipper
They’re seldom seen by anyone, for they’re a night time tripper
They collect lint from their bellies and insert it in your shoes
Or any other footwear that you choose to use
But lint found in other places is not because of them
They’re strictly slipper fairies, at least they so contend
These creatures are so ancient, historians all say
Their name predates the cuneiform found in ancient clay
The nomenclature “Bunny” comes from their high birth rate
They have to make more fairies before it is too late
Their death rate is tremendous, the family’s almost gone
For often as they’re leaving lint, they just get stomped upon
If you’ve nothing else to celebrate on this October day
Celebrate the Fluffy Bunny Slipper Fairy in your own peculiar way
Posted by Mike Dailey on 10/27/12 at 10:11 AM
And, just where is our "resident" FBS? ❓

@Mike: Good one!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/27/12 at 11:11 AM
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