Mr Civil Defense

     Posted By: Paul - Thu Aug 15, 2024
     Category: PSA’s | War | Corporate Mascots, Icons and Spokesbeings | 1950s

Remember ´duck and cover´? They actually told us that hiding under your deck would protect you from a nuclear blast. (and that if you smoked pot it would lead directly to heroin. ) Weren´t the 50´s fun ?
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 08/15/24 at 09:03 AM
I was wondering about the WWI era helmet (Brodie) but then looked it up:

"The U.S. Army used the basic Brodie-patterned M1917 helmet until 1942 with some modifications, which included a totally new liner and canvas chin strap. It was finally superseded by the M1 helmet in 1942 and passed down to civil defence [sic]."
Posted by crc on 08/15/24 at 10:55 AM
DESK (you should really have an edit option for carless people in a hurry, namely me)
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 08/15/24 at 11:38 AM
When I clicked on the comic book, my computer said warning, may be virus.
Posted by Judy on 08/15/24 at 03:41 PM
Judy--that's a pretty reputable sight. I go there daily without trouble, and so do many of my friends. It might be that your software is more cautious. Sorry you did not get to view it... Hey, hold on, just found an alternate link! Try this:
Posted by Paul on 08/15/24 at 05:21 PM
@F.U.D. Would that be "carless" or "careless"? Another example showing what an edit option could do for "carless" posters.
Posted by Teri on 08/16/24 at 12:47 AM
Paul... SITE, not sight. This edit option becomes more urgent by the minute.
Posted by Yudith on 08/17/24 at 07:28 AM
Now I know why I had no fun in the 50's. I didn't hear about pot until the 60's.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 08/18/24 at 07:32 AM

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