Mystery Illustration 71

What product and/or company is this image touting?

The answer is here.

And after the jump.
     Posted By: Paul - Thu Mar 29, 2018
     Category: Anthropomorphism | Food | 1940s

Wat? It's not Fruit of the Loom underwear or some brand of condom?
Posted by Virtual on 03/29/18 at 10:32 AM
If it's about giving you gas, it should be an onion and a radish.
Posted by Bill the Splut on 03/29/18 at 11:53 AM
I was never a big consumer of mixed drinks, other than Tanqueary and tonic, but my first thought was of a Bloody Mary, which I am aware has tomato juice as a main ingredient.
Posted by KDP on 03/29/18 at 02:08 PM
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