Name That List, #63

What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.

  • A nude dance bar, massage/modeling studio and adult video/bookstore — all in one
  • 40,000 dog costumes for Halloween "or other special occasions"
  • 9,000 "Calypso Cup Holders"
  • A 10-foot wooden giraffe sculpture
  • A patent "for a process to convert manure into cattle feed"
  • Bear Island outside Ely, Minnesota


These are some of the assets that have been acquired over the years by the FDIC from failed banks.

The Paris News - Oct 21, 1993

The line about converting manure into cattle feed aroused my curiosity, and it only took a little bit of research to discover that, yes, feeding excrement to cows is a real thing. There's an article about it on the website of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. As the article notes, "Recycling of animal wastes has always existed in Nature between the same or among diverse species. Rabbits, rats, poultry and pigs are the most typical examples because in specific nutritional situations they consume their own excreta in substantial quantities to meet their requirements of nutrients missing from their diets."
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Mar 19, 2021
     Category: Patents | Name That List

I thought it was a list of properties confiscated from convicted drug dealers. At least I was correct in guessing the government had possession of the items.
Posted by Fritz on 03/19/21 at 08:29 AM
I guessed it as items left to others in Salvador DalĂ­'s will.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 03/19/21 at 10:18 AM
First thought: things confiscated for back taxes. Second thought: things people willed to the church, but the church refused to accept. Third thought: someone's shopping list after they hit the lottery.
Posted by Phideaux on 03/19/21 at 02:17 PM
@Virtual: if it had been that, the giraffe would've been on fire.

My own thought was, like Phideaux's, that these had been left in a will. Only I thought it was the will of a single, very eccentric, millionaire.
Posted by Richard Bos on 03/21/21 at 06:19 AM
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