Name That List, #70

What is this a list of? The answer is below in extended.

  • "voice behavior in bankers"
  • "hunting success among Hadza hunters"
  • "religiosity in university student and general population samples"
  • "age at first marriage in semi-nomadic people from Namibia"
  • "psychological features in a sample of cavers"
  • "Fight Bite Injuries"
  • "managerial skills of managers employed in public and private organizations of Udaipur City"
  • "number of sex partners"


They're all subjects addressed in digit-ratio studies. These are scientific studies seeking to determine the relationship (if any) between the relative lengths of a person's fingers and some other quality or aspect of that person's behavior. The idea (from what I understand) is that digit-ratio is partially determined by exposure to testosterone while in the womb. So digit-ratio is used as a proxy for testosterone levels.

Source: New Scientist, "Feedback" by Marc Abrahams (Feb 28, 2024)

Here are links to all of the cited studies:

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Jul 30, 2024
     Category: Name That List

As is well-known, Donald Trump bristled at being called a "short-fingered vulgarian," the implication being that another appendage is also short.

I took a quick look at the study on number of sexual partners. The subjects were heterosexual male undergraduates. Presumably the NSP (their term) was self-reported. If so, it's probably a case of GIGO.
Posted by ges on 07/30/24 at 09:17 AM
Donald Trump had it wrong. High testosterone levels makes the index finger shorter, especially compared to the middle finger and ring finger. He was called a "short-fingered vulgarian" only because he has the hands of a baby. Stormy Daniels was the one commenting about his other appendage.
Posted by Yudith on 08/03/24 at 06:31 AM
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