The Obayashi Space Elevator

Back in 2012, the Obayashi Corporation announced that it would have built a functioning space elevator by 2050, and that construction of it would begin in 2025.

But when journalists recently checked in with the company to see if all was proceeding on schedule, they found (no surprise) that no, the company won't be starting construction of a space elevator next year. But the company still claims that it's "engaged in research and development, rough design, partnership building, and promotion."

So I doubt that I'll get to see a space elevator in my lifetime.

More info:, Obayashi Corporation

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jun 10, 2024
     Category: Technology | Space Travel | Transportation

It must've been proposed well before 2012 because this song about it was released in 2004...
Posted by Ed on 06/10/24 at 06:13 AM
The concept has been around since Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
Posted by eddi on 06/11/24 at 04:34 AM
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