Presidential Songs and Slogans

In this election year, we could do with some innovative songs and slogans--but I doubt if we'll get any that compare to these historical ones.


     Posted By: Paul - Mon May 20, 2024
     Category: Music | Politics | Proverbs, Maxims, Sayings, Folk Wisdom and Quotations | Nineteenth Century | Twentieth Century

I remember an unofficial rhyming slogan that was popular in 1964. It was about Barry Goldwater: "In your guts, you know he's nuts"
Posted by Fritz G on 05/20/24 at 07:01 AM
Many years ago, I came across an LP of songs from presidential campaigns. I remember "Hoorah, hoorah, the country's rising, Henry Clay and Frelinghuysen." It might have been this:

Along the lines of Fritz's slogan, I remember "Don't change Dicks in the middle of a screw, vote for Nixon in '72."
Posted by ges on 05/20/24 at 09:05 PM
I see Wikipedia says that the Nixon slogan I quoted was used by Nixon supporters. I can personally testify that it was used sarcastically by Nixon opponents.
Posted by ges on 05/20/24 at 09:10 PM
I have a 45rpm record from 1960, with Richard Nixon's campaign song on one side "Here Comes Nixon, Our Man Nixon"; and a short spoken message from the candidate on the other.
I would love to know how to make a YouTube video of this song, but I do not know the technology, other than putting the record on a record player and putting the camera up to that.
Posted by Patrick on 05/21/24 at 09:47 AM
I didn't realise Reagan was so honest about himself.

(One I remember, barely, from the same campaign is "Jimmy Carter has small nuts". I don't think that one was official.)
Posted by Richard Bos on 05/26/24 at 01:07 PM
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