Professor Music’s (Xmas) Weird Links:

Photo Galleries:

Illustrating Why "I Hate My Parents"

Girls taking pictures of themselves with iPhones

Hey! Look at this 'frakking' geekster!

The Cars of Walmart shoppers, Volumes One, and Two

Cracker Jack Prize Gallery I

Dr. Bonkers presents: The Nearly Genuine and Truly Marvelous Psychoneuropharmacological Mental Medicine Show

[Unrelated] --

Make me mighty!

Merry Christmas, fellow Weirdoes, and enjoy your Weirdnesses!

Hugs and Kisses all 'round,

Professor Music
     Posted By: Professor Music - Thu Dec 24, 2009

I want to thank you, personally and especially, for the "Girls w/ I-phones" link. That said my wife would like a face-to-face also. :lol:
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/25/09 at 12:28 AM
Cars of WalMart: this is the reason I never go to WalMart... I wouldn't want to find my car on some silly gallery 😉

Merry Christmas!
Posted by Nethie on 12/25/09 at 03:05 PM
I saw this on "I hate my parents" and thought this guy is about as strange as they come! This site is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen!!
Posted by Maggie82 on 12/28/09 at 02:56 PM
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