Recipes for the fallout shelter housewife

Marie Adams, food editor of the Charlotte News, felt that nuclear war shouldn't stop a "fallout shelter housewife" from providing her family with tasty meals and "appetizing snacks". In a 1961 column (Sep 7, 1961) she offered suggestions for fallout shelter meals that included deviled ham and parsley dip served with tomato juice, swedish fruit soup with cheeses, and vichyssoise with crackers.

A response from a reader of the Charlotte News:

Charlotte News - Sep 11, 1961

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Mar 22, 2022
     Category: Food | War | Atomic Power and Other Nuclear Matters | 1960s

I'm confused. Why wouldn't they be able to cook/heat? A hot plate isn't exactly high tech. It's a lot easier than refrigeration.

If they don't have a fridge, how are they keeping the mayo and luncheon meat from going bad? Okay, "luncheon meat" might be a euphemism for Spam, but mayo? Unless you have cases and cases of tiny little jars, that's something you want to use up fast. Even a hungry family of 4.5 people would be righteously sick of it if they had to eat a standard jar of the stuff before it starts to go off.
Posted by Phideaux on 03/22/22 at 10:53 AM
She may have misunderstood the meaning of shacking up.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 03/22/22 at 01:25 PM
I guess the cold food is there because you cannot use propane or fondue fuel in an enclosed space such as a fallout shelter, and you have to save the batteries for the radio and the Geiger counter. As for the mayonnaise, most people would be sheltered in a public place fit for fifty people minimum. A jar of mayo will go fast in these conditions!
However, tiny little jars of mayo would be a good idea for our times, when most "families" consist of one person with a dog or two cats. Too bad those cost more than the big jars of mayo. Thank heavens for the "Free fridge" initiatives!
Posted by Yudith on 03/22/22 at 05:30 PM
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