September in the Rain Cartoon

Inanimate stuff coming alive is always generally weird.....
     Posted By: Paul - Thu May 27, 2010
     Category: Racism | Stereotypes and Cliches | Products | Cartoons | 1930s

I remember this one! You have to look closely at the product names to get the "full effect'.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 05/27/10 at 11:06 AM
only two? hah! was it the dancing weed that gave you the idea?

I bet if they tried to re-make this cartoon today, the corporations would insist that the true name of the product be used. Free product placement, free publicity.
Posted by Nethie on 05/27/10 at 02:51 PM
Do you think anyone could make such a stereotypical rendition of black people today?
Posted by proofreader on 05/27/10 at 06:57 PM
No, proof, I had the same thought and I don't think they'd be able to get away with it in this day and age.
Posted by Nethie on 05/27/10 at 07:12 PM
Paul .. talk to patty and other WU posters please .. 'nuff said.
Have a nice chat about things. All the best.
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/27/10 at 07:42 PM
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