Snowball Fights Gone Wild

If you are going to a snowball fight any time soon, remember your kevlar vest. A group of 20 and 30-somethings were invited on Twitter to a snowball fight at 14th and U Street in Washington D.C. this Monday just past. Everyone was enjoying themselves, no fist fights or anything, just the occasional car getting hit by an errant snowball. Then an off duty police officer's personal vehicle, a Hummer, was hit by a some snow.. The Detective jumped out, drew his gun, and threatened some of the fun seekers. End of fun. The D.C. police department, after first denying a gun was draw, admitted the fact when faced with video of the incident. Don't you just hate it when that happens! Now the department is looking at whether it was excessive for a gun to have been drawn. Ya think?!

Next we have Denbighshire in the U.K. Wednesday night at 10:30 G.M.T. a 20 year old was stabbed to death during a snowball fight. A 19 year old man was arrested for shoving a kitchen knife into the victim who later died of shock and blood loss. So, safety first, if you see a neighborhood snowball fight lock your doors and hide!

picture from
     Posted By: Alex - Thu Dec 24, 2009

you can't have any fun any more without the crazies screwing it up! :coolmad:
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 12/24/09 at 01:08 PM
DC Snowball fight: while I agree with Expat, the side I see is a arrogant jerk whose reaction to something striking his car is to stop and brandish a deadly weapon. Suppose it *was* someone shooting at him; wouldn't the smart thing to do be to drive away as quickly as possible? Or, put the shoe on the other foot: Gee, Officer, if *I* drove like that...
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 12/24/09 at 01:51 PM
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