Sturdy Raccoons, Soft Skulls, Lame Brains

and the Afternoon Edition of Chuck's News of the Weird Daily for Friday

Bonus Daily Jury Duty
[no fair examining the evidence; verdict must be based on mugshot only]
Randy Cummings, 43, sweetheart or not? The Star Press (Muncie, Ind.)
Comments 'randy_cummings'

Who knew? (I): Cop zaps raccoon (in self-defense), but tasers . . don't work on raccoons! Associated Press via Houston Chronicle

Who knew? (II): If a bull stomps on your head, it not only scrambles your brains but can actually leave your skull lopsided. Daily Mail (London)

Everybody knows Americans are cynical about the efficiency of gov't (Iraq reconstruction, Katrina, the economy), but still, it's a little too ballsy if you're on the lam for a murder in Maryland and you dare to truthfully fill out a gun-purchase application (with waiting period) in Virginia, like Barry Roberts, 46, did. Daily Press (Newport News)

Doesn't get it: Arrested for theft in Barre, Vt., and as he's being booked, he tries to steal a photo off the stationhouse bulletin board. Associated Press via Yahoo

Professor Music's Weird Link
Here's yet another person who maybe over-admires something you never really gave much thought to: She has formed the now-100-member Pylon Appreciation Society to pay tribute to those pole complexes that hold up power lines.

Today's Newsrangers: Rahul Dodhia, Perry Levin, Janet Carey, Jayne Boller, B.J. Herbison, Steve Miller, Jamie Anderson, Candy Clouston, Craig Cryer, Phil Daley, Paul Healey, Emmitt Dove, Mark Neunder, Paul Music, Jim Campbell, Stephen Taylor, Mindy Cohen
Comments on the Afternoon Edition of Chuck's News of the Weird Daily for Friday?
Comments 'cycle_081024'
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Oct 24, 2008

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