The Fantasy Circus League

We've all heard of Fantasy Football, where the amateur player gets to run a team. But how can that compare to the activities of the Circus Model Builders, where you get to run a circus?

Here's their homepage. In short, you pick an extinct circus and recreate it as a model.

Here's a great article about one young lad who earned a lifetime circus pass by doing so. You can go to the source if you want to increase the typesize for readability.

     Posted By: Paul - Thu Sep 12, 2024
     Category: Hobbies and DIY | 1940s | Circuses, Carnivals, and Other Traveling Shows

From a young age, I have been impressed with people who could do things well in miniature: writing on the back of postage stamps, micro-mosaics, creating miniature scratch models like these circuses, etc.
However, I did read once that children were used in imperial China to do very fine embroidery, but it often ended in them losing their eyesight. :-(
Posted by Patrick on 09/13/24 at 07:51 AM

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