The Not-So-Distant Past Sins of Amtrak

     Posted By: Paul - Tue May 14, 2024
     Category: Excrement | 1980s | Trains

Rode the Lakeshore Limited from Toledo to Chicago in the summer of 1988, I remember pushing the foot pedal to flush the toilet and being able to see the railroad ties going by underneath the train.
Posted by Ed on 05/18/24 at 12:14 PM
This should surprise nobody. There's a reason why there's a sign in toilets on Dutch trains asking travellers to please not use them while waiting at stations.
Posted by Richard Bos on 05/18/24 at 01:44 PM
It seems that Amtrak no longer does this. They use a holding tank.
Posted by ges on 05/19/24 at 05:27 PM
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