Three Strange Florida Oranges Commercials

Sportswriter is composing his column in locker room, communicates directly with distant housewife.

Advertising icon is implicitly happy with having her head sliced open and its juice extracted.

Were Western Union workers really given OJ breaks?

     Posted By: Paul - Thu Aug 22, 2024
     Category: Anthropomorphism | Advertising | Soda, Pop, Soft Drinks and other Non-Alcoholic Beverages | 1950s | 1960s

I remember the orange groves in the 50´s but it wasn´t Florida.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 08/22/24 at 12:29 PM
F.U.D., I'm guessing you're referring to California oranges. When the ad touts the fact that Florida oranges are thin-skinned and therefore give you more juice for your money, I think they're referring to juice varieties like Valencia. Where I live, navel oranges are usually from California and Valencia oranges are from Florida.
Posted by ges on 08/22/24 at 03:39 PM

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