Tattooed Man in Tulsa

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Michael Carter has now been arrested for the third time since December. So police are getting to know his face, which bears a slight resemblance to Sideshow Bob, if Sideshow Bob had tattooed his face with hexagrams, swastikas, and the word 'Jesus Christ' (looks like he also has a 666 on there in Roman numerals).

First time — Carter "freaked out" customers at Whataburger by "gallivanting in a mask, red bandana, makeshift red cape and a toy gun tucked in his waistband."

Second time — He locked himself in the bathroom of a Broken Bow Kum & Go (a gas station) and refused to leave.

Third time — He tried to force his way into a Day Center for the Homeless.

More info:, NY Daily News

     Posted By: Alex - Fri Mar 04, 2016

And yet, he will be free to walk the streets until he totally flips out, kills somebody, gets his ass shot off and be the next excuse to blame whitey for the woes of the world.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/04/16 at 10:32 AM
The good news/bad news for him is that his face is easily identifiable. Sure, he'll get picked up every time someone with a face tattoo commits a crime, but it should be easy for the witness to determine if it was suspect A, suspect B or WHOA!!! nope, not that one!
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 03/04/16 at 11:13 AM
I agree with Expat. The people today have lost the responsibility and self-motivation to do most anything for themselves. It's always someone/something else's fault for their own failures. It will soon be a world of the taken care of and very few of the caretakers.
Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 03/04/16 at 12:27 PM
When I see pictures like this, I realise I'm only marginally weird. Does that mean I will be banned from Weird Universe?
Posted by BMN on 03/04/16 at 01:32 PM
No, of course not, BMN. I've prepared a special 2hr DVD that will help you realize your full potential! Only $19.95 + $25.00S&H.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/04/16 at 01:39 PM
Apparently severely mentally ill. But by all means, let's use him to as an opportunity to to spew racist broadsides. And that's not a swastika.
Posted by Frank on 03/04/16 at 01:53 PM
Frank, that is a swastika; swastikas can be either way around, and the Nazis only used the other version of it.
Posted by TheCannyScot in Atlanta, GA on 03/04/16 at 02:30 PM
Indeed, TCS, I spoke too quickly. I should have said it wasn't a Nazi swastika.
Posted by Frank on 03/04/16 at 03:07 PM
It's a sauwastika. But if he looks in the mirror, it's a swastika.
Posted by Alex on 03/04/16 at 04:00 PM
Frank, I'd say it is far more likely that he abuses illegal drugs. In the event that he is mentally ill then the observation that he will continue to pass through the system without any appreciable help for his condition and possibly end up getting killed while in the commission of a violent crime and have his death blamed on the police is a reasonable one considering recent events here. Had it been a big 12 year old white boy running around a park pointing a real looking toy gun at people the media would not have batted an eye at his death. Its not racist to point out the truth.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/05/16 at 01:05 AM
Get used to it Frank, some of the people that pot on this site are batsh!t racist
Posted by F.U.D. on 03/05/16 at 02:46 AM
Definitely a confused young man. I wonder if the numerous six pointed stars (or any of the tattoos) have any personal religious connotations to him? Have to admit the whole effect is very artistic.
Posted by wkj on 03/05/16 at 08:39 AM
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