A vulgar tip to save gas

In 1974, the UK's South East Gas Board (SEGAS) solicited gas-saving tips from the public. It awarded prizes of £10 to those who offered the best tips and published their tips in a full-page ad.

Conservative politician John Stokes subsequently denounced the ad as "deplorably vulgar and in the worst possible taste."

Can you figure out why? The answer is in extended.

I'm sure this was easy for WUvies to spot.

It's because the ad included the shocking suggestion that couples could save energy by taking a bath together.

Quad-City Times - Jan 28, 1974

San Francisco Examiner - Jan 29, 1974

     Posted By: Alex - Wed Jul 17, 2024
     Category: Censorship, Bluenoses, Taboos, Prohibitions and Other Cultural No-No’s | Public Utilities | Advertising | 1970s

"Save water. Shower with a friend." '60 poster.
Posted by eddi on 07/17/24 at 03:58 AM
That's not even the real reason. The real reason is in the word "Conservative". He was a Tory, and therefore got paybacks from the industry.

His Wikipedia page is, shall we say, revealing about his character, or rather lack thereof.
Posted by Richard Bos on 07/20/24 at 09:38 AM
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