Walter Easler, Human Pincushion

Nowadays, we are used to all kinds of piercings in daily life. But this fellow still merits a look.

This young man is literally "on pins and needles" but it doesn't seem to worry him in the least. He is Walter Easler, of Lorain, Ohio, and he is able to pierce his skin with impunity because of sensory anesthesia with which nature has endowed him. The pins and needles which penetrate his lips and cheeks do not cause him the slightest pain, and he recalls with amusement his father's perplexity when he was a lad as to how he could be punished since spankings could not be felt.

     Posted By: Paul - Fri Aug 23, 2024
     Category: Body Modifications | Human Marvels | Twentieth Century | Pain, Self-inflicted and Otherwise

I've seen... no, let's not get there. But yes, there are people who would pay money.
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/24/24 at 10:10 AM
There’s acupuncture.
Posted by ges on 08/25/24 at 08:01 PM
I had a psychology teacher that would run a needle through his bicep as a demonstration...
Posted by crc on 08/26/24 at 05:39 AM

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